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The Professional Hero Archetype
Archetypes are categories of people, characters, or voices that express fundamental aspects of human experience, including work and life balance. Archetype descriptions may vary across cultures but are universally recognizable. Think about The Good Mother or The Hero, and an image will come to mind. The same goes for all archetypal figures described by Carl Jung, the great twentieth-century psychoanalyst: The Father, The Wise Old Man, and The Devil.
The Professional Hero Archetype
The Professional Hero is an archetype who can be an ardent supporter and cheerleader, finding ways to help their team meet big and little work-related trials directly. Known for strength, ingenuity, and the desire to be courageous at all costs, at the core of The Hero’s existence is the need to show how valuable it is not only to the Self but also to others.
The Professional Hero offers stability. Think Wonder Woman or Spiderman helping to navigate the most difficult parts of not just professional conundrums, but also social/work relationships. Strong. Courageous. At all costs, The Professional Hero is stable when they need to be.
The Professional Hero inside can fight what’s ahead with a dragon slayer’s mentality. The Hero archetype, in general, has been depicted with masculine and feminine energies in movies and…